CGDI BMW AT200 for OBD read ISN on MSV90 MSD85 MSD87

CGDI AT-200, connected to one computer, can OBD read ISN for MSV90 MSD85 MSD87 N2055 B38 B48 easily. Post is on how to use CG BMW AT-200 for OBD read ISN on MSV90 MSD85 MSD87.


Download and CG AT-200 software firstly.

CG AT-200 software free download!rQpWXYKT!M1MZOPoqmBu4iCQl2AKVw1TferCBrusrDPHbhR2eZ-E

Works on AT-200 interface:





1.CG AT-200 OBD read ISN for MSV90: Success

cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msv90-success-03 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msv90-success-04 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msv90-success-05 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msv90-success-06 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msv90-success-06

 2.CG AT-200 OBD read ISN for MSD87: Success

cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for- msd87-03 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for- msd87-05

 3.CG AT-200 OBD read ISN for MSD85: Success

cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msd85-04 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msd85-05 cg-at-200-obd-read-isn-for-msd85-06


*** OBD read ISN for N2055 B38 B48 in the same way.



CGDI BMW AT200 is easy to use for BMW vehicle identification and OBD read ISN.