BMW MSV80 ISN Read by CG Device

Have a Continental DME MSV80. Use CG FC200 ECU programmer, AT200 BMW and CGDI Prog BMW to read ISN separately, all work well!


1.CG FC200 read BMW MSV80 ISN and VIN in 3 Mins

Run CG FC200 software

Select BMW, input MSV80 in the quick search box to search the related MSV80 type ECU

Go to platform interface and check the wiring diagram to connect FC200 programmer, MSV80 DME and computer correctly

Identify the ECU info, read out the VIN and type

Then read ISN

Read ISN successfully

CG FC200 Support ECU List

CG FC200 Support Checksum List


2.BMW AT200 MSV80 read/ write ISN

AT200 requires software license to read MSV80, FC200 does not.

AT200 Support ECU List



  • Use the professional wiring harness

Check CGDI PROG BMW read DME MSV80 ISN Review

Note: CGDI BMW Full Version with all authorizations including B48 B58 read ISN, MSD80/81/85/87, MSV80/MSV90 read ISN and N13 / N20 / N55 /B38 read ISN. No need to open the license.

  • Use AT200 adapter

Check CGDI Prog BMW Read ISN via OBD and AT200 Adapter