Problem: When I used cgdi prog bmw to do fem/bdc key matching, it prompted “This version FEM/BDC is not supported, please update your FEM/BDC.” What does it happen? How to do? Solution: Some BMW F series cars are equipped with anti-theft systems, and the firmware version that comes with high or low level will
Here comes the guide on BMW FEM/BDC programming via CGDI BMW Prog and CG100.And in this guide,you will get the skills of BMW FEM/BDC new keys adding and all keys lost.Hope this guide will give you a hand!Let jump right in! Common Operations: Open the car door,then connect the BMW CGDI Prog to vehicle OBD port.
CGDI BMW FEM BDC key learn is in the dismantling method instead of OBD method. Then you have to know the FEM/BDC system location, 95128 IC location, 95256 IC location and Key learning position, read the detail in the below parts. BMW FEM/ BDC installation location. 95128 IC location 95256 IC location Key learning position That’s